Joint development of JKU Linz and proionic
In line with this topic, proionic is pleased to be a part of the FFG founded e!MISSION project “Plas-Ion-PhotoKat”. Together with experts in the field of plasmonic nanostructures (Prof. Klar, Institute of Applied Physics, IAP) and organic solar systems (Prof. Sariciftci, Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells, LIOS) from the Johannes Keppler University (JKU) Linz, we will focus on the plasmonic/ionic co-catalysis of solar methane and other alkanes or alcohols by using photocatalysis from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Up to now, the technical realization is hampered by the absence of catalysts, which are suitable, economic, and implementable on a technological scale, and the use of halide free ionic liquids. From an ecological point of view, research activities in the field of solar methane catalysis have great potential, as this process i) consumes CO2 ii) may be used as CO2 capture and storage tool and more important iii) allows the production of CO2 neutral fuels for industrial applications.