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Ionic Liquids par Excellence
Spotlight on CBILS® - proionic's unique ionic liquid production technology Greener and halide-free technical synthesis of ionic liquids with consistent quality
Key benefits
halide-free ionic liquid products (<5 ppm)
water levels in ionic liquids below 50 ppm realizable on large scale
no waste generated during synthesis/production (high atom economy)
purification of products not necessary, except for the distillation of solvent residuals
the CBILS® methylcarbonate intermediates are converted quantitatively to the final IL upon reaction with every Brønsted acid, having a pKa <9 (modular system)
as an alternative to Brønsted acids, ammonium salts can be used as well
easy scale-up to a multi ton level
batch and continuous-flow production processes available for various standard products
no sophisticated equipment required (high process safety)
Choose your cations and anions from lists of standard ions and put together the desired ionic liquid in a modular system according to your needs or discover a wide range of estblsihed ionic liquids instantly available through proionic's webshop.
Please contact us for your specific inquiry or further information
Dr. Roland Kalb, proionic's founder & scientific-technical director and member of the advisory board of the upcoming 8th International Congress on Ionic Liquids,Beijing, China on May 13-17, 2019is looking forward to meeting you in China this year.
proionic GmbH
Parkring 18, 8074 Raaba-Grambach, Austria
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