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Ionic Liquids par Excellence 

Spotlight on CBILS® - proionic's unique ionic liquid production technology 
Greener and halide-free technical synthesis of ionic liquids with consistent quality 

Key benefits
  • halide-free ionic liquid products (<5 ppm)
  • water levels in ionic liquids below 50 ppm realizable on large scale
  • perfect cation-anion stoichiometry easily adjustable
  • no waste generated during synthesis/production (high atom economy)
  • purification of products not necessary, except for the distillation of solvent residuals
  • the CBILS® methylcarbonate intermediates are converted quantitatively to the final IL upon reaction with every Brønsted acid, having a pKa <9 (modular system)
  • as an alternative to Brønsted acids, ammonium salts can be used as well
  • easy scale-up to a multi ton level
  • batch and continuous-flow production processes available for various standard products
  • no sophisticated equipment required (high process safety)

Choose your cations and anions from lists of standard ions and put together the desired ionic liquid in a modular system according to your needs or discover a wide range of  estblsihed ionic liquids instantly available through proionic's webshop.
Please contact us for your specific inquiry or further information

Head of Sales and Operation

Bernhard Ludwig
T: +43 (664) 889 339 40

Head of Research & Development

Markus Damm
T: +43 (664) 889 339 43
Meet proionic at COIL-8 in China
Dr. Roland Kalb, proionic's founder & scientific-technical director and member of the advisory board of the upcoming 
8th International Congress on Ionic Liquids,  Beijing, China on May 13-17, 2019 is looking forward to meeting you in China this year.